Overall Objectives
Research Program
Application Domains
Software and Platforms
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Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Pauline Lafitte [correspondant (ECP)] , Jean-François Coulombel [(CNRS & Univ. Nantes)] , Christophe Besse [(Univ. Lille 1)] , Thierry Goudon [(Inria)] , Giovanni Samaey [(KU Leuven)] .

Radiative Transfer, Radiative shocks, AP schemes

We have developed a set of numerical codes, written in Scilab, to compute the solutions of the system coupling the Euler equations to the radiation through energy exchanges, in the non equilibrium regime. This covers several situations in the hierarchy of asymptotic problems. The code treats the one-dimensional framework. In particular the code can be used to investigate radiative shocks profiles. The main advantage of our numerical codes is that they do not require any refinement near the singularities. The numerical tests show a very good agreement with the theoretical predictions. See reference [48] .

Here is the self-assessment of the team effort following the grid provided by Inria (see : ): A2, SO3, SM2, EM1, SDL1.